I'm going through something similar at the moment. He would eat if hand-fed, but he would fuss at the kong or bowl. I believe he's getting too...
I'm sorry to say you misinterpreted what I posed as an attack towards you. Things get lost without emojis and what not. I was just pointing out...
I guess they do. First time at dog park, he ignored all balls and twigs. Just chased other dogs and played. Fourth time or so, he started...
I'm sorry, but I think you are making irrational excuses about your situation. You have a young 4 month old puppy. What do you expect it to do?...
Sparky had a visit to the vet today. 68.8 lbs at 32 weeks. Weight gain has definitely slowed with only a 4 lb weight gain over the course of 3...
I use a 42 inch crate as his main stay in the basement. Plenty of room. We also had a 36 inch crate in the living room, while he was able to fit...
thats a nice big yard. /jealous!
Sparky would occasionally jump up and nip at my hands and legs near the end of a walk. I supposed its part of the "zoomies" when he gets too...
kudos, to the above tips. When I first got my pup, everyone here recommended that I break up his day. Same similar story. My pup would be left...
slowest feeder is a Kong Wobbler. I have the Kong slow feeder and it slows him down by an extra minute.
i use the PB method and works fine. I also just throw it into his bowl with the rest of his food and it disappears fine.
tried the wasabe earlier and he loved it!
no wonder my dogs poo is smaller when he was on boiled chicken and rice vs kibble. (i know the study said raw)
We have a wobbler too. Tried it at about 4 months old. We put some peanut butter around the opening and showed him by knocking it around and...
Do you still feed her in the crate? I still give him Kongs and bones in his crate to keep the this is where I eat association and keep it clean...
gonna smear some wasabi on the houseplants...
poor boy. how did he react to the hot sauce?
is she peeing in the crate overnight? or just when u crate her for short periods during the day?
having one of those desk bells might not work so well. she may end up learning its a treat bell now a potty bell. when we first started the...
I think its kinda hard to train a puppy to whine to pee. A whine can mean anything really. Why not try to teach it to use a bell? My 7 month...