My Sparky looks very much like Loki and he's also 6 months. The vet never says he's overweight just that he will grow fast. I thought he looked...
Not to mention here in the US, someone will notice your poor dog inside the vehicle and your window will be broken in and you'll be charged with...
i agree. cut his food down. i was giving bag recommendations at one point and he always had massive soft yogurt like poos. So massive he had to...
Exciting news! Bet you can't wait! Regarding the Puppy Class, some trainer's may or may not allow some pups if the vaccinations are not complete...
Sparky is 58.40 lbs at 26 weeks at the vet. Stopped weighing him now myself since he's too heavy to try to carry and hold still at the same time....
no expert here, but maybe go back to basics and start feeding him his meals inside the crate? reinforce that his crate is his den and not to make...
It happens. Sparky has been good for almost a month now. No accidents in the house. A few days ago just popped into the kitchen and had himself...
So just received a call from the vet. Fecalysis results are in. Negative on parasites or anything else. Thank God! Gonna start mixing his...
Puppy blues. Don't let it get to you. The happy face that greets me when I get home after a long day of work makes up for it. It gets better...
well looked at the ingredients and its just valencia peanuts and no salt. go figure. so solid poo in the morning when i left and he didn't go...
Ill double check. Its supposed to be organic
He pooped before i left for work. Solid enough to pick up.
Morning time. No surprise in the crate. Thank God! However, he wouldn't poo when taken outside. He had his chicken and rice only this morning....
it gets better. we are a little ahead of you. Sparky is a little over 6 months now. All his puppy teeth are gone as far as I can tell. The...
12 hours later he finally had his first poop. Formed but soft. I'm gonna let him sleep in his pen for a little bit then off to the toilet again...
Woke up an hour later than usual to let Sparky out of his crate so he can go toilet and eat his breakfast. As I was walking down to the basement I...
it won't be long before you can't pick her up at all anymore
[IMG] Look who got more presents than anyone else at home!
For a second there I thought your dogs can hold it for a few weeks... had to reread it again.
Sparky is 6 months old and he still holds his poo/pee until we get back home from a walk 99% of the time. Before we would leave the house I would...