What a great smile!! Rolo knows he did well!Congrats.
Cooper's favorite thing to "steal".....he flaps them around making sure I know he has it,then races around the house with it. I either "trade" for...
Hello Jack and "soon to be" Riggins! You must have at least two feet of snow up there! I live on Cape Cod with Cooper....almost 3 years old and my...
Good luck. That does look like its rubbing against the eye. Must hurt. Am sure vet will take care of it. Please keep us posted.
Yes, Cooper's FAVORITE is finding one of my shoes or slippers! I have to put everything away or up high away from his reach. He would LOVE for me...
Please share everything about Sam.....we want to go on the journey with you. And be your support Team. Big hug.
He JUST threw up the string????WOW!!!! Five weeks in his tummy!!! This is incredible. But I am happy for you....now you don't have to wonder if...
My day care requires that both male and female's be neutered/spayed or they won't take them. Actually, ALL day care's in my area require that. So...
I love his "little" stick! He is too strong a boy for a "little stick" so brought back a TREE!!!! He is lovely.
So sorry for you and Sam. Wonderful that he enjoys his walks so much. Hope he never realizes what is going on and that he does not have any...
Not the glitter but part of the ornament.....ouch....that must have hurt coming out!!!!
He has kept his black nose.....I love it! I miss Cooper's black nose!! Kibs is so handsome.....
Definitely CUTE!! How old is she? Huge eyes!
I agree with Stacia....a visit to the vet seems to be in order. Fact that a dog does not want to eat AND gets sick.....I would go to the vet ASAP.
Cooper did this about six months ago.....I had bought a bag of Fromm Adult Duck and poured it into a plastic bin.....kibble is not supposed to be...
Mine is also shedding like crazy right now.....must be the Winter "shed". I try not to wear dark pants when this is happening! Hopefully it should...
I loved this article!!! Thank you.
Just look at that regal face. She is beautiful. And those eyes.....!!!
Libby.....so darn cute....and sooo white! Cooper is not as white as Libby....how is the hair shedding situation for you???? They show up nicely,...
Holly, you are beautiful!!!