A seminal moment indeed. I remember my first one, utterly gross! :celebrate:
It's a permanent state of being in our house. I thought the lab was bad until I got a Clumber Spaniel o_O
I think Obi was relieved to be called away from a race he was losing ;) hopefully he's learnt at least partially that it's pointless swimming...
Fabulous work W&S!!! There must be something in the air, my two called away from a cat and Obi from swimming after ducks!!!!!
Bolo spots, super cute :)
I did post quite a bit about his general crate hatred both at home and in his travel crate. I don't think I mentioned this final straw in detail...
Obi did the same. I came home to find him out of his crate and the crate in the middle of the kitchen. I try not to think about how worked up he...
Bolo spots are cute. My friends dog has them and they flash when she's running.
Yes we should work hard to make sure failure is rare :) @charlie I'm not sure you can have it both ways. If you'd like a little understanding for...
I don't think anyone on here thinks it's OK and yes we must take responsibility for our dogs and their behaviour. There are however reasons for it...
Mine do next to nothing in the heat and they're not crawling the walls in frustration.
Yes this is just like us. My dad uses it with Riley (no one else walks Obi!) and there have been times in Rileys life when it's been most useful.
The most important thing for me for any litter is that they're well planned, well looked after and the parents are health tested. I want sound...
You poor thing! What a fright! I really can't understand why people let dogs have the full length of them by roads. There really is very little...
Interesting @Beanwood I wondered if proprioception would help but I also thought if done wrong it could be detrimental. Did you get advice or did...
I'm not sure there's anything more you can do Karen. Whilst Obi isn't large for Clumbers as a whole he's reasonably big for a working Clumber...
Check with your vet. I think it's reasonably common to have some things overlapping and dealt with twice but your vet will know what's safe to...
It's definitely something to take to your vet in my opinion and I'd try and keep him calm and quiet until you can get there. Best of luck :)
Not me for two reasons. Fear of theft and my garden has plenty of things in it not great for dogs like most bulbs for example. I decided I'd have...
I find it really hard to find ticks on my black dog until they're big enough to stop the hair lying flat. I'm pretty fastidious about tick...