I think that as Heidrun says environment management is key. If you work in open spaces, with or without clicker you may need a long line. A...
If you teach a hand touch independently of the retrieve she'll be so used to shoving her nose in your hand that hopefully she'll just keep doing...
I think the standard poodle is particularly bad with effective population size somewhere around the 30s which is utterly unsustainable....
My boy is very distinguished (grey) at nearly six. He probably started going grey around three :)
Personally I doubt there are many people breeding and raising puppies to a high standard who make a living from that alone. My friend is...
If you want people to do a thorough, professional job of breeding and raising puppies why shouldn't they make money at it? I wouldn't expect just...
There is the most stunning parti poodle (multicoloured) on Facebook doing a very creditable job of being a gundog. I absolutely adore her, she...
DNA tests to check for breeds won't tell you if there are any underlying health issues. You'd have to do all the relevant tests such as xrays for...
I guess the 10 second hold is there so that you're really sure you'll get a 2 second hold when the pressure is on. Also if you're lucky enough to...
I think the clicker retrieve is a really good thing but it's important it's still fun! Try to keep sessions short and upbeat. If you're in a new...
So very pleased for you!
I think a stop whistle is a tricky thing to teach for all the reasons discussed. To build a picture in the dogs mind that regardless of distance,...
I refer to mine as 'the black dog' and 'the white dog' amongst other things ;) But I have one lab and one spaniel. If I have more than one lab...
I pick.up my dogs feet like I would a horse. Old habits die hard lol
If you want a cocker you need to be really happy with the temperament of both parents to try and get one with an off switch and appreciate that...
If it makes you feel any better Riley wasn't a crocopup. He was easy to housetrain. Very trainable on his manners: loose lead, leave it, sit/stay....
Ok so first of all decide what you want. Retrieve to hand and returning to heel with the ball are not necessarily the same thing. For example my...
I think you're probably getting the gist of what's up with your pup. I would only add that dogs don't really exercise themselves if put outside...
Lol you get what you pay for! You won't be the first trainer to adopt a blackjack dealer pose as you show your dog your empty hands. They learn...
Eyes worry me too. I'd call and see if they want you to come in.