This is true but remaining relaxed and calm are also important. There will always be differences between handlers in the real world, try to come...
I just let my dog cruise around (not generally hard with a spaniel!) but if you're fortunate enough to have a helper you can get them to gently...
I trained my stop two different ways with my two dogs. My first dog (Riley labrador) I trained a sit at heel or in front to a whistle peeeeep and...
Oh and tripe can be great for adding weight. I keep a bag of frozen tripe mince for adding to meals if needed.
There are dedicated Springer Spaniel rescues all over the UK. @heidrun can you offer any advice?
So pleased you're all back together xxx
Using her dinner is fine. I have a friend who's very successful in field trials, she uses her dogs dinner as a reward for loads of things. If it's...
An acme whistle probably and you can clicker train anytime :)
Great news! Hopefully just a one off :)
I bet he's been getting loads of kisses! Glad he sounds a bit better.
Happy birthday gorgeous boy xxx
I've just been in to my vet with the same thing. I thought he was probably fine as well in himself but it's far better to be sure. Hope all is well :)
Thinking of you and sending healing vibes to Charlie xxx
Nobody is trying to shame those who work all day. Many of us do. Small puppies need more frequent interaction and looking after than mature dogs...
Oh Helen what a worry. I very much hope he's feeling a little better this morning x
Yes :)
I'm afraid you've had all the help an online forum and it's physically remote members can offer. Dog buying at all times is buyer beware. If you...
Not everyone teaches labs to turn on the whistle. It's common in spaniel circles where the dogs are hunting in front of the handler. Usually dogs...