thanks yes shes only 9 weeks old and obsessed with water and sticks lol
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Think I might get Roxie a kiddie pool she definitely got the lab love of water at almost 9 weeks she's obsessed with water
thanks she will be 9 weeks old on monday. shes obsessed with sticks and water lol
dont know why it didnt work was so excited about the upload attachments thing but guess it dont work darn [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Re: Roxie's first bath Had to hose her off cause she ran and jumped in the creak to play lol.
Re: Roxie's first bath ya though i dont have a card to use online so hard for me to order online
Re: Roxie's first bath she has a kong but not really interested yet. these are pretty soft and come in small medium and large sizes. closest pet...
Re: Roxie's first bath thanks. these are the munchy bones i was...