And there will be a house next door to us vacant in about a couple of months...…!!!!
Easy - come back here! :)
Welcome to the forum! I think all of us recognise what you're describing, we have all been through it. I'm afraid it is completely, absolutely...
Hi Sue and Salem, from me and my big yellow boy Pongo in south Wales!
I'm. Too. Hot. Pongo
Welcome from me and my big yellow boy Pongo in south Wales!
The wonderful guys who run our agility sessions have this in great big writing in the banner of their website page. "I tried to teach my dog with...
Hmmm. OK, options are limited. But I really think you are a better person to train your pup than that trainer. Definitely use this forum for...
Ahem. The latter. No choice. Just caught up with this one. You should feel extraordinarily proud of yourself. That was really tough and you...
Have you tried soaking a rag in water and then freezing it? He might like to chew on it, the cold helps soothe their poor gums. My boy Pongo...
And, you are on this forum to tell us about it instead of paying attention to the course. Yep, we've all been there.
Yes indeed. Harley has clearly established some very firm boundaries for you. Good girl Harley.
Ah, duct tape. The answer to 50% of problems. [ATTACH]
It's a funny kind of mindset they get into. The trainer who runs our agility class is an absolute diamond, completely positive focus and with a...
Does he perk up when it gets cooler in the evenings?
I think I remember my boy Pongo being like this in his first summer. Probably just a combination of warmth and growing up... is he happy in other...
I'm not sure I was meant to have the ice-cream. But dad wasn't watching mum, and mum wasn't watching dad, and I went from one to the other and...