It could be a thorn between his pads. Hopefully the vet will shed some light on it.
That's an amazing story. Goes to show how much our dogs take in and retain.
It's good that they've kept her in. She'll get the best medical care xx
The zoomies. An expression of pure joy. Long may they continue. Butt-tucking around the garden & through the house. Or out & about. Love it.
I don't think the sadness ever goes, but the overwhelming love blankets over it quite satisfactorily :heart:
Lovely girl - very Labrador in her looks.
Similar happened to the outlaws Jack Russell - she had an emergency spay for pyometra. The wound wept, stank, wouldn't heal. The outlaws are of...
Good to hear Shiko isn't unwell. The behaviourist sounds very positive, all very hopeful for learning some coping mechanisms. Shiko is in very...
Wow! Well done Thomas & Charlie. That's brilliant. Just brilliant. Well done you too, Helen. You trained this.
I don't see why not, Nelly. Your mum is a bit bonkers I think. - Coco
Ha ha yes, this. Sometimes we walk out from our house, and down to the main road - about 5 minutes. Coco has pulled all the way. OH getting...
PONGOPONGOPONGO You got to get the magic secret from Carbon - he sounds amazing. - Coco
Good luck at the vets.
I also think she'll be fine. I work very very hard on Coco's loose lead walking (with treats), and he he mainly OK for me. OH walks him...
Yes. Recommended. We both go, but OH has to do all the handling. I walk & train Coco every day, so OH has to step up at dog school. Dose your OH...
You hit the nail on the head. In our house, it's Cooking crossed with Twister.
He really is a special one.
Cr@p about your chemo. Here's to the next new drugs. Glad Rory is coming to terms with Moo's passing - you're a matched pair of tough cookies xx
:hug:hugs from us. And huge thanks for giving another doggy a step up.
Bliss. Have a great holiday.