Hope Charlie remains comfortable - fingers crossed for something simple like a strain.
Good idea. This is what I did when Belle was ailing. I just needed her to eat something. Anything. She was terribly spoiled with tasty morsels.
I don't mind too much if they become crow food - they have to eat too, just don't want them to end up as a cat toy :(
Oh dear - 2 have fledged today - it's too early - here's one at the bottom of the fence. Coco has to stay in. [ATTACH]
"my" last 4 chicks are threatening to come out today, but they are only 2 weeks and 2 days old.
Interesting. It's the opposite for us. I am really chatty with Coco and he responds well to me. OH is a lot less talkative and he does struggle...
Oh Carbon's zoomies. Such joy. I am grinning from ear to ear :D. I love to see a dog just letting go and having fun. Errmm that's just wrong....
We had the most peaceful of walks in the plantation this morning. The trees protected us from the direct sun though it was still hot walking up...
Now don't be so quick to dismiss the trash.....some yummies to be found in there. - Coco
No no no. Mum says I'm Twirly. She's always "no Coco, you're Twirly". I don't want to be eaten for lunch :( - Coco
Coco tend to whine when we're settled & he wants to do something, like play with a ball or play tug. He won't actually bring the toy he wants to...
Give your verbal cue, then wait a couple of seconds. If he doesn't respond give your hand signal. Eventually he will understand your verbal...
...and the demise continues - there were only 4 chicks this morning. I found a dead chick just a short way away from the box. They're due to...
When I got a puppy for my 14th birthday my mum & a neighbour went to pick him up. The neighbour gave him (Joe) one of her old slippers to play...
Fingers & paws crossed here too for Ginger.
I'm a bit late...but Cathedral Beach! Just WOW!
We go no rain Maxx, but dad attached MY sprinkler to the hose last night and I had great fun. I dragged it all around and the Hoomans were...
Coco says thanks....belated or not, he loves you all :bone:
This is hilarious. I must bookmark it to cheer me if I ever need it :clap::rofl: