She will grow out of this. I remember Molly stealing washing hung on clothes horses in the garden during her first summer ( rising one year...
I think you’ve made the right decision. ‘Devon Dogs’ are at Okehampton - these are the Absolute Dogs people, definitely reward based. IMDT if you...
Oh poor Charlie! I hope he’s ok. My last Lab was terrified of the local cats. They used to sit on our garden path and prevent him from passing -...
Puppies take a long time to grow up - just like human babies and toddlers. Do try to be gentle with your puppy. She needs to learn that your hands...
I can tell you how I overcame the ‘dead seagull’ problem with Molly which might help. Firstly I sounded very pleased and excited when she picked...
I love reading about Shamas’ progress. You’re doing such a great job. :chuckle:
I don’t think you are a terrible trainer. ;) You are taking time to let your puppy adjust and grow confident. Why not try having a dog bed on the...
Poor you. I’m really sorry you had this horrible experience and I hope you can get a refund. Perhaps if you decide to go to a class with a...
I think it was sensible to take her to your room - it gave her enough reassurance / security to sleep longer and it gave you a better night. You...
I’d say the key thing at this age is socialisation. I don’t just mean with other dogs but with people of different sizes and appearances,...
@SwampDonkey Hooray :doug:
Both OH and I were teachers - term-time holidays are one of the big perks of retirement!
Yes, as Emily says, Cornwall is really dog- friendly. The other pleasant surprise, going in term-time anyway, was how traffic-free the roads were....
Could she be coming into season?
It’s lovely that you’ve rescued Roscoe and I’m sure you’ll build a great relationship over time. I think play more than lead walks could be your...
It’s really strange that anyone would choose a breed that they know is going to have difficulty breathing.
Hi from me and Molly. Dilly looks lovely- I bet you can’t wait for September.
@selina27 I’ve contacted an IMDT trainer to ask if I can observe / assist so keeping my fingers crossed. I stopped teaching the KC good citizen...
Well thankfully today Molly was fine, just got in without any fuss. I took her somewhere she likes about 10 minutes drive away and had a good walk...
Thanks for asking. I’ve done the two day theory and the four day practical and have taken the plunge and booked my assessment, a level 3...