The vet suggested I got some stair treads in case she had slipped or something so I did but that has not helped yet. I have tried high value...
that’s when the barking starts. She wants me to stay with her :(. Don’t know if this could be related, but she does need to ge ther nails...
I’ve tried high value treats. I am currently downstairs attempting to sleep on the couch with her . We just recently moved into this house a...
Hi all, I live in a two story house. My bedroom is upstairs and my little girl sleeps with me. Problem is, is that she recently refuses to come...
Thanks for all the replies! I tend to be a worry wart it looks
Thank you!!!!!!
hi all! Thanks in advance for any advice and tips you can give me on this topic. My 10 mos. old pup and I will be moving from a little 1...
I wish I could describe how she presents herself at the park but honestly my recollections are always of your typical very curious/extremely...
Thank you!!!
It hasn’t been all males, there have been a couple females involved...and like I mentioned, almost everyone comments that it is our of character...
She was spayed in September. I haven’t really been able to indentify any triggers. They seriously always move in on her super fast when we...
hello everyone! My little girl is 10 mos. and spayed. Here recently, every time I take her to the dog park she seems to get singled out and...
hello! My little girl recently turned 8 mos. and has been acting skittish and strange lately. She has been spayed. I’ve read about fear stages...
Hi everyone, I had to board my 7.5 month girl for a couple nights a week ago. While there she rubbed a spot on the top of her nose raw. I’ve...
So, I failed to mention that sometimes she does this even when not called. I think she does it mainly when she’s really excited and around water....
I couldn’t get my pup to go into a kiddie pool or the pond until we were hanging out with my friend and her dog. My pup learned from following my...
Hello! So my pup is now 5 mos. and I’m really enjoying her but there’s one thing she’s been doing recently that I’d like to nip in the bud, but...
Ok, so why does my 4.5 month puppy behave better for others than she does for me?? She follows others, even stranger’s , commands beautifully,...
I got my girl two months ago. She has definitely been a challenging project for the summer but I would do it all over again. If I were to do it...
I actually have....but EVERYONE except for my vet has advised me not I’m Very interested in what you have to say. I actually left her...