In refard to bones, ate veal bones ok?
Hey I'm wondering about things with my own dog... How old is your dog?
Yes I like the idea of games, (Absolute Dogs) it seems to make it a simpler in a sense, and kindof more fun when we're training. I came across Tom... my one year old isn't abnormal? It's embarrassing cause I feel like people are thinking that she should be able to be calm. I think she...
I use a double attactment lead (Halti) with a Ruffwear harness...but I have found for me that having one attached to the back and the other...
Happy belated birthday from Pearl and I
Look at that technique is good. I've been using that with my 1year old... No words with it but just if she looks in the direction of a distraction...
Cool thanks for your suggestions and thoughts in lawsuit...☺️
I just read the post about the lawsuit against Acana...and the other brand done by the same company. So I looked on the internet and there was a...
I think there should be a section on Adolescent Dogs.... A couple of people spoke about how it gets better...that was encouraging for me, with my...
Wow, hope for me☺️☺️
Yay, sometimes i just look forward to that day
You are not alone.☺️☺️I have and am having similar thoughts and feelings. I sometimes too feel I'm not much of a trainer...not the one I thought I...
I understand, and it's a relief to me to have others going through this. My girl has just turned 1... Yesterday I had her in a stay off lead, as I...
So anyone?
Wow, thanks Snowbunny for both sets of comments! You're so knowledgeable. Although I wasn't the one asking, good stuff for me with my teenager (1...
How old is your dog?
Cool ( nothing to do with topic), but you're in NZ same as me☺️
Thank you for your birthday wishes, Pearl just turned 1 on Tuesday. She had a playdate (not intentionally for her birthday), a golden retriever...