I've started playing tug with my 6mth old puppy. I say 'ready' (which I use for other toys before I throw),then 'ok' which let's her have it, then...
Do puppies start needing less sleep at night or thinking they do, as they grow? Like going to sleep later and waking earlier?
If you want to use the kibble in a kong, I often just soak it in water then pop it into the kong, then into freezer. When my puppy was younger, I...
Hi everyone, Want to make sure I have this right... When a female dog goes into season...its generally for three weeks...sometimes four.. The...
What does everyone in getting their dogs (6mths-1yr olds) into the car? In regard to protecting bone growth?
What a cutie....
Man she did it again but for longer...i didn't get up to her...so hard when they do this... Could she be coming into season? Or isn't 6mths they...
Hi all, What's the best height for fencing to keep an adult Labrador in?
Mine barked for about an hour and a half....and don't think she's done that since her first wee puppy night where she made noise almost all night!
Is it a recent behaviour of Aspen's? Wondering if it's an age thing?
Thank you so much for your support....xx She never does it like she did tonight so it was a bit strange. I wonder if she's in a sensitive stage?
My 6mth old is barking and sounds like a bit of a growl at the end of it occasionally....and it around 3.30 AM! She normally sleeps though well...
Puppies are all different, I've discovered from this forum (being a first time dog owner)!:) I had my puppy near my bed and she howled/unsettled a...
Maybe training calm behaviour, such as suggested here on the forum.. Like that idea of having them with a leash on and you sitting down...I think...
Hi Alicia :) What about his puppy pen instead or does he jump out? Is your routine the same? They do seem to pop up with new behaviours aye?...
Hi Elaine, Have you looked online for purchasing a puppy pen? I bought my puppy pen and lots of things for my puppy online (NZ websites as I'm...
Thanks everyone... So after thinking no then yes in regard to desexing my puppy, I think I've finally made my decision to wait until after she's...
Thanks for your comment :) I got my neighbour whom I think use to be a nurse vet and also helps rescue dogs to see what she thought. It could have...
:) Lol :D
Has there been any negatives aspects since she was spayed? Any change in coat condition, personality? My pups 6 months, so have had thoughts about...