I must try and get the crate borrowed so that I can give it a try. I think it will help because he then won't be able to stand up. I just took him...
My pup is the same age as your and by the sound of it pretty similar. It sounds as though you are doing all the right things and I think it will...
I guess I'll have to give it a go. He was fine when we brought him home. I think he is mainly indignant that we are inside the car and he can't be...
So far there is no quiet. I have given him a treat for being in there and sitting, but he soon starts. The problem is I can't really treat if I am...
We will have no life of any sort if we have a dog that we cannot take in the car. We do not live close to either family and have already got a UK...
Good luck!
The problem with chewers is that they don't necessarily just chew what is removable. Mine chews furniture and walls if unsupervised and bored -...
Our last Lab outgrew his crate at 8 months so we got rid of it, but never locked him in it anyway. We had a baby gate across the room where he...
Do you not worry that giving a treat to get back in crate in small hours might be creating a problem? Dogs don't sleep soundly for 7-8 hours...
I could never quite manage to stop our last Lab having a nibble at rabbit poo but he did stop eating cow, horse etc, partly because of the volume...
Could she be barking in response to something that is happening outside your house? A tomcat, or a neighbour leaving early for work etc? She may...
My last Lab had both hip and elbow dysplasia, but managed with nutritional supplements, and was fine overall, but did have a slight limp. We did...
Your baby Piper looks just like a long haired version of my Caspar. Will attempt photos one day.
I feed my 11 week old boy 3 times a day, never bothered with 4, as the breeder only fed 3 times solids with milk in between (which I don't give)....
Our Caspar is now able to hold everything in at night for 7-7.5 hours at 10 weeks. He is in a locked crate at night. He has his last meal between...
My previous male lab always humped his bed after breakfast. It was just something that he did. I didn't try and stop him nor did I consider it a...
You are doing everything right. he just needs time to learn that he has to ask. Until then you need eyes in the back of your head. Our Caspar, 10...
Thanks, that is helpful. I just got the small size thinking it would be suitable for a pup.
I second the not being able to get the stuff out. I will just have to get a bigger one.
Any word on size? I got the small one as he is just a pup and it says for dogs up to 20lb/9kg. Is that too small for now? Ours keeps disappearing...