The class I now go to sounds a bit like yours . Having slogged through the bronze and silver of the kennel club I feel they need to rethink their...
I find what you're doing with the tight games very interesting @selina27. I've been playing them with Inky at home in the house and garden. He...
So sorry to catch up on this. Sending my best wishes
Keep practising is my advice but also think of the positive things they do so you don't get it out of proportion. Inky has good recall from most...
I'm going for a Skoda fabia estate. Do most people with their dogs in the back area, not seats, have a dog guard or a crate? If guard do you still...
I know how you feel about frequent vet visits, I feel I should just have a weekly spot. Inky has a sore place on his foot so bucket collar back on...
Even if I'm short of time, I always look at your posts. I'm really enjoying watching Carbon out of the pound. I'm sure he must be giving you o lot...
I'm glad things seem to be improving.
Hope it goes well tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you
Thanks everyone for your support, feeling better about it all now. If I can, we do walk briskly past and I'll be training this even more now!...
i'm fed up with people telling me when their dogs go for Inky that it's either because he's not been castrated or that he's black! I'm no...
Happy Birthday Cassie. It all seems to go so quickly doesn't it.
It sounds very positive, hopefully with kindness to her, the woman will show kindness to her dog.
I'm impressed by your garden. Inky would like to help with the pruning and could teach that lovely Carbon
I'd love to have seen the trainer's face!
So sorry to hear about Harley. I know what a worry they are.
i thought I'd post this as encouragement for all the struggling puppy owners. This time last year that was me and I had also just had a detached...
I'm certainly no expert, Inky weighs 24 kegs at 18 months. He had 330 gms kibble divided into 2 meals, treats and kongs. I do add a few extras for...
You must be feeling disappointed, especially after the way she helped you last year. You'd think as she advertises herself as positive, the woman...
How lovely that you're able to walk together again even if it's early days.