For what it's worth Inky was attacked again on Monday. He was on the lead actually sitting quietly next to me while I was talking to another lab...
I'm so pleased you will still be involved with Carbon, great name for a black lab I think. I'd like to know that he ends up somewhere he deserves,...
Can I ask JulieT when you play whippet, I thought the reward was restarting but it seemed from your post that you marked and treated the leave...
So sorry for your devastating loss. I totally understand the way a dog can help you in troubled times and give you a reason to get up in the...
Thank you all. Food for thought so I can put it off a few more months!
My strategy has 3 parts. I'm retraining the leave with a new cue right from the beginning. At home it works and I've started very occasionally...
I just tell people it's lucky I have a dog to obsess about as it stops me worrying about the children or myself.
I've a hik9 too. Inky loves it and I move it around the house to suit us. He has a bit of old carpet on it as he ate vet bet
I'm no expert but when we had this problem I looked at the video by Victoria Stilwell which is on the thread called alert barking I think. I had...
I have a harness to use a double ended lead on. @snowbunny posted somewhere recently about how to use this correctly which in my usual fashion I...
I'm thinking of changing my car. At the moment I have a Fiat 500 and inky goes on the back seat. Mostly it's just us in the car but I'd quite like...
So hard for all of you. I know from your previous posts that your wife had struggled with him so hope that's settled a bit too
It's really hard making these final decisions but Moo is lucky to have you helping her.
How lovely. What a tribute to your mum.
Happy gotcha day. I always enjoy reading about your times together.
Somebody posted a video of this training which really helped when I was training Inky but I can't remember who? I could do with revisiting it as...
Inky was in his crate, door shut until he was about 16 months at night xnd when I went out. It's in the kitchen. Now he's not, I still leave the...
All the above echo my experience with Inky. He's now 18 months and snoozing on his bed, I never thought I'd get here. Just one thing to add, we...
as I'm walking Inky on the lead at the moment, I thought we'd revisit Magic Hand. We've only done it standing still before but last couple of days...
I love your posts Emily, I always look forward to what the dogs, particularly the love Carbon are up to.