After all these responses, I'm feeling less of a failure, believe me I have tried training with mega treats. Thank you so much for the...
So pleased to hear you've got the all clear.
How horrible for all of you. The trouble is when you're up lots in the night it's so tiring, then I find things I could normally deal with become...
Thank you all for your input. I have been training Inky to leave poo and if it's by the path I'm fairly successful but not when he dashes off to...
I feel rather ashamed for even posting this but feel I need advice. Inky is a voracious dog poo eater, not his own but most other dogs. He is...
So sorry to hear about the vet visit today, you were right to get it checked especially if it felt different. Hope the results go your way.
When Inky was about this age, l was wondering if I had made the right decision getting a puppy (I was 60). I got the Happy Puupy Handbook and...
Just a quick question, when we finished today it was with a sit to the side. Inky usually plonks himself in front of me, how do others get a...
Lucky I'd posted about the new class, as I was driving I nearly turned round! Anyway it was a great class and both of us enjoyed it. There were...
Hello Hannahandpoppy It seems we always feel guilty about the care we provide! I went back to work when Inky was about 6 months old. Before I did,...
Inky and I have been going to the same training classes since he was a puppy (now14 months old) and last week I decided to change trainers. I've...
I can't believe it's a year since I got Inky. I think it's sometimes on anniversaries that you stop and evaluate. As with all dogs he's changed...
Having watched the video by Suzanne Clothier that snowbunny posted a few days ago, I've been looking at her site. Has anybody any experience of...
Sometimes Inky's poo is a 2 but more often softer. Does anyone add pumpkin pulp or any other natural fibre?
Please could you tell me what size purple squirrel do you have ?
Inky ate vet bed very enthusiastically so I changed to a piece of carpet in his crate which was fine for about a month then that started to be...
Thanks everyone. Tubes mentioned above out of stock so I've got a small Tupperware pot out of the cupboard and going to try that. Deep breath,...
This sounds stupid even as I'm writing it but here goes! Ive a tin of sardines in the cupboard but how to people transport them on a walk. In my...
Not much to add except I'm thinking of you both. X
Have been reading along through the days. What a relief that all went well