Please don't rely on the dog, an animal with the intelliegence of a two year old child by many comparisons, to be responsible for children....
I do have something to add. You say your girl has always been nervous around men (so was our rescue) but this is a first. Aggression is a...
That is a good boy. My neighbour was recently hurt, minor scrapes, when two Lab sized loose dogs happily jumped up and gave her some bad scrapes....
Good thoughts for Ginger, and you.
My tactic was to video it and enjoy it because it probably won't last, and for us it didn't. :)
Maybe worms. Distemper. I think it's not likely though as he should have some residual protection from his mother. I don't know of vaccinations...
I wish you were my neighbour. You are concerned. It doesn't matter how many times mine is told the dog barks, it's never her fault and it never...
I have since found other sites mentionning anaphylactic shock on first exposure. Perhaps the degree of the first reaction is what needs to be...
I'm trying to look this up. I can't find anything, so far, to confirm anaphylaxis is not possible on the first injection, as you claim. Or that...
Some good reading here:...
By compulsory do you mean legal? Where I live it is not. Here where I am in Canada only Rabies is legally required by law. Day care, boarding...
Oban started at 9 weeks on piles of laundry on the floor. I bought him a big teddy bear, bigger than he was at the time, and encouraged him on...
I was rather disturbed by the results when I tried the fainting thing down the trail. Oban came and lay by my side but the neighbours who saw me...
Oh my gosh, were they rescues? I fully understand why rescues neuter young; even baby puppy neuters.
Biting insects and stinging plants would be a possibility this time of year for me. How old is your dog? Some Vets, more and more, believe...
The behaviours you mention are not sexually dimorphic. At his age being targetted by other dogs could well be due to the surge in testosterone...
Oh no. I hope Tilly is ok. I guess she chomped the bottle and the pills fell out? Otherwise they might have gone through undigested if the...
I guess it depends where your dog swims but NO WAY am I going to have a long line on mine when he's swimming. He swims in natural areas with who...
Lots of people say dogs are hyper when in fact they are not properly trained or just have too much energy for the outlets provided for them. A...
Curtailing energy expenditure in weather is the only way I can be sure Oban won't overheat. I had to carry him nearly half a kilometre out of the...