I kthink she's a bit young to determine that yet. Plus, if for some reason an outing is delayed, when they're older and do have control, they...
Good Girl Cooper. :)
A whole loaf of bread? Keep a close watch. That bread isn't going to digest at all if it's well sealed in the bag and you could end up with a...
Not now. The OH no longer hunts but Oban did show promise and OH was considering starting up again. Stuff happened and we did not keep up with...
Same for us as many above. From the time he was a wee puppy Oban was just SO confident. He stayed with me, only problem is his idea of "with"...
You probably needed a 3 hour rest yourself when you got home. I don't really like reading mysteries where you never find out "who dun it" and...
I am in Canada too and notice more and more Vets do support later age neuter. I have three neighbours who have been told to wait till two years....
What does the breeder say? There is such a thing as mismarks but how they start I have no idea. http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/mismarks.html
I'm just seeing this now too. Scary there is not an update. I hope that means you are so busy making him comfortable at home, and enjoying him,...
I'm sorry you are having these troubles, it must be scary and disappointing and heart breaking. I think it's a good idea to call in a...
Is there an Ortho Rehab facility for dogs you could go to? I'm getting over a simple broken ankle myself and I'm amazed at how the rest of me...
REad carefully at the device site. Those little tags you clip to a collar are not good for a dog who really travels. One I checked out only...
Sometimes it's just excitement but the dog realizes he can't get to what interests him. Cats often do the same thing when watching birds out a...
4.5 years old. Is this a new behaviour? Is it only one doorway? Will she go through on leash? Will she go through, on leash or not, for...
It's too bad that bite incident removed Home Depot from the short dog friendly list. But the HD parking lot is still a good place to go. Oban...
The 5 minute rule I found said TWICE a day. So we did a little poop outing before class and as others said above in class itself there was not...
Jet was in obedience classes when she got Parvo. The club allowed me to continue classes using my instructor's pup (Jet was far too weak to...
I am so glad all these pups lost was some fur. I know this is a risk and I've heard of worse outcomes but we walk off leash and Oban is not...
Two years after my Mum had moved from her house to a retirement home we took a drive past it and before we got there Oban was sitting up, whining,...
Lucky you. :) We have seen coyotes while dog walking. We have only heard wolves while canoe tripping.