Yes but authorities here are saying it's from dogs rescued from China and brought here. Any place with laws as lax regarding importing rescues as...
Yes, double ditto @snowbunny . I always say you have to train the boys twice. First on horizontal surfaces, grass ok, carpet not. Then later on...
How old is puppy? How long have you had her?
Oh my gosh. I'm glad to read Snowie seems to be getting better but what an ordeal. There is Canine Flu in a town north of me. Some similar...
I had a hard time getting into that article when early on the author said this, "My mom was right about weeds but she was wrong about people."...
These articles are now about 10 years old but still well regarded on the pros and cons of spay and neuter and the age at which to do it. My boy...
At my house he would lose his sofa privileges. I'd put boxes on it if I had to, to keep him off it. That might help.
Happened to us too. Other dog walkers stopped us, thinking the GR puppy was badly injured.
Would the breeder keep the puppy for you until you get moved? I guess I assumed "closing" meant a house you are buying.
We are more active in winter and if I don't up the food amount my dogs will lose weight in winter.
One thing to realize in that kind of cold, try not to get sweaty yourself. If you get sweaty and have a windier, colder walk back home you could...
Happy to read from beginning to end just now and find things seem much improved. REad this just after reading a FB posting from my Vet about a...
My girl Jet was nervous of stairs, up and down, when her toenails needed cutting. Something to check on Quinn?
So glad Peanut is ok, and that you were right there to help her. My sister's dog got her collar caught in the dishwasher, pulled the rack right... Jet is used for making jewellery. My Grandmother had a Jet necklace. Ironically, Jet is not always...
They can often get back to where you left your car. If you have to leave put a blanket or jacket of yours down for the dog to return to. You...
Absolutely can happen, happened to my black Lab puppy Jet, but not till she was nearly one year old. As well as turning brownish, mostly very...
Whatever is generally right (and you'll get differences of opinion on that) may not be right for Holly. If you examine the puppy food ingredient...
My intact boy did develop an enlarged prostate with concommitant issues at 8 years old. My Vet was not sure how he would respond to her...
Oban is intact. He is ten years old and has NEVER humped anything other than his Poppa Bear. There was a kennel of GR upwind of us and he did...