Sorry about Carbon missing Paul. It would break my heart to see him carrying around the toy and grooming it. Poor boy. Thankfully you’ve had the...
How’s he coping without Paul? Do you think it matters to him?
I’m not the recall adviser by any means. But wondering what was down there? A tasty carcass? Something he didn’t want to leave behind hence the...
Oops, that’s true. I was on a work trip in London several years ago and had eaten one too many packets of salt n vinegar chips. It was my last day...
What a story! The contact info control sounds draconian. And very weird. I’m pleased it worked out more sensibly. Blimey! Edited to say I’ve...
Good thing I have a bad memory, otherwise I’d probably be permanently mortified. Just remembered Snowie, while on leash, quick as lightening...
Erm I’m sorry to break it to you, but there’s no cure. You only *think* you’ve been cured.
You’re back! Thank you for yet another laugh-a-minute post. Oh that poor Carbon, but glad he got over the ball shock.
Oh boy, been there... Snowie loves to visit the neighbors up the road. They have two dogs. Snowie tears into their garden at top speed in great...
Sorry. I know you’re mortified. But this is too funny! I need to remember your learning points! Although even when the tank is empty, they’ll...
If it’s any consolation, Snowie knows exactly how to behave according to the person walking him. Me: sniff sniff sniff weave yank sniff. Husband:...
What a lovely post to read!
He might’ve got dehydrated at daycare. Is he weeing normally? Drinking water? If not, you need to encourage him to drink - chicken broth, fish...
Best of luck. It sounds like your vet is very supportive and keen to get to the bottom of it.
Was it something like this: [MEDIA] :rofl: I’ve heard of dogs taking several days to vomit up foreign objects with no ill effect. If he’s...
Before I read that it was red, I thought it was the normal lumps, one on either side of the penis, that appear when a male intends to tie with a...
Oh, another thing - diet. Yeast loves sugars. So you should try to keep the carbs low in his diet. Sweet potato is high in carbs.
I’d recommend bathing the spot in a 10% povidone iodine solution. It also smells nice! Whenever my boy smells yeasty, I use this and it kills any...