That’s so sad. I hate seeing a cowering dog. But I can imagine it’s more common than I’d like to think. Snowie is the complete opposite: thinks...
My boy dislikes being brushed. I agree with you, how uncomfortable can it be?? Yet he adores being rubbed vigorously with a towel, and that is...
I think she’s probably in a relaxation, no-responsibilities deep sleep!
Sorry to hear about your dog having seizures. Mine has had seizures in the past since he was 1.5 yo. He’s now 6.5 yo and has been seizure free for...
Our trainer recommended this at the time. Her rationale was that he was starting to form a habit of refusing, and we had to stop the habit from...
Snowie went through a stage of refusing to jump in the car. He’d lie down and refuse to budge. In retrospect I wonder if it was his back, which we...
I always recommend a bath as a first attempt to soothe the skin. Just as you would wash your hair if your head was itchy. Use a very mild shampoo...
I feel for you, the second guessing. I felt the same with my pup until he was about 10 months. I didn’t have the opportunity to swap him - the one...
Yes! My husband blames me for it!! Says I’ve made Snowie expect all this activity. I just feel sorry for him - life must be so boring otherwise....
Snowie has two good walks every day. The last one is before dinner. But after dinner he brings his ball and throws it at me. I often wonder if...
Thinking of you and Daisy. xxx
Haha I’m happy when my adult lab finally goes to sleep! He’s a lot easier than a busy puppy, but sometimes I really don’t feel like playing after...
Probiotic = bacteria Prebiotic = the food for the bacteria. Good sources of prebiotic are foods high in roughage, particularly brocolli. The...
Make your own kefir. Very easy to do at home, much cheaper than buying, and far more bacteria and lactic acid than bought yoghurt. So sorry...
Those photos - what a beautiful sight! And that cat!!!!! Very special. Congratulations! And now I wish you the very best of luck in fulfilling...
Steamed brocolli, cauliflower, and cabbage are very popular in our house! Almost zero calories. But does produce bigger poos. And possibly gas!
First, to preface that I have absolutely no experience in resource guarding. I have the opposite: a dog who wants to give up everything... such as...
Wow. Just read the news story. I’d be concerned that the mum is getting enough nutrition - are you getting help with feeding her the best food...
Thinking of you today. Bittersweet. But how lovely to have had a night to remember - everyone snug on the sofa!
It sounds delicious! But... banana is high calorie! Very high in carbs. But it is nutritious so I’d not stop feeding it. But just in case you’re...