It’s Saturday!! Have you made it?! You do realize that before you get plonked in Waitrose, we are all holding our breaths until we hear about your...
Google “warble parasite” - I had no idea either! Or botfly.
[MEDIA] After I saw this video I tried to teach Snowie how to bark softly. I didn’t want to shut him up - his various vocalisations are so cute....
So heartwarming. I’m sure he’s going to help your dad a lot.
What exquisite words!!! If I were in the shoes of @Emily_BabbelHund , at this I would collapse in a crumpled heap and cry copious tears. Just one...
There were eventually bits of teeth and jaw all over the lawn. I think someone had brought it to the beach for their picnic - it wasn’t an old...
Has he hurt his neck? When Snowie limped intermittently on his front leg, the vet suspected a neck injury (which I think was caused from a head...
I would’ve taken it home! Snowie has found various bones on our walks. Some are too big to gobble up and then he wants to lie down for a good...
Aw Carbon - the zoomies took me by surprise!! Too funny and sweet—loved it!!!!!
I wouldn’t recommend changing to three meals. She’ll feel hungrier, tummy not full. Better to have two bigger meals that satisfy her. I’ve also...
That puppy holster thing - too funny! Has anyone looked at you weirdly, like, does she think she gave birth to that? And the chest stroker. I’ve...
If my head is itchy, the first thing I do is wash my hair and scalp! Unless it’s an emergency, my first option is always the least invasive and...
I’m not familiar with veal bones. But I presume a young animal = softer bones regardless of whether they’re weight bearing or not. You should...
So sorry about your dad. My dad had a stroke, similar paralysis and inability to speak as your dad. He also came home, although we had a full-time...
I’m sorry. But it’s such good entertainment for us sprawled on the sofa with the dog on the floor fast asleep. I hope tomorrow brings new happy...
Have you bathed his leg? It can be very soothing. And you can use an antiseptic wash like povidone iodine or a salt solution.
That licking sound - can drive you insane!! Especially at night when you’re trying to sleep. While still feeling sorry for poor Snowie. We have...
We go on about how beautiful these dogs are (they are!!) so I find it quite poignant that their blind owners will never see them.
Best to apply cream/gel just before a walk so that it has time to work while he’s out and about, otherwise he’ll lick it off.
There is much debate on whether garlic is dangerous or not. Some people add it to their dog’s food and swear by the health-giving properties. We...