Wow, that thing looks huge! Up his tiny little nose. Incredible. So pleased it was resolved with what appears to be veterinary ease. Looking...
How is Paul? Catstail removed? Or was it a grass seed? Snowie once got a grass seed up his nose. Luckily managed to sneeze it out. They can be...
I’m trying. I’m trying. But still I don’t know what that sounds like. You are too hilarious!!!!!!
It’s worrying when they behave out of the ordinary. Has he had any medication or flea/tick/worm tablets? I hope it passes and all is well.
So interesting to read about this - first time for me to learn about commercialized HOCl. Do you find it’s very effective?
A foot bath is very soothing, so you should start with that. You can shampoo his feet with a shampoo for sensitive skin - much like you’d shampoo...
I didn’t report it. I guess I should’ve. Thankfully nothing physical happened to me. But it was a shock to realize how controlled I was by...
Six years ago I was attacked by a woman who was clearly on drugs, most likely crystal meth. No idea why she attacked me - I was walking on the...
So sorry, it must be heart-breaking trying to do the best for your dog with this balancing act. I have no experience with diabetic dogs, but I...
What does this mean? How did you get Tilly to swallow a liquid she wouldn’t normally want to? And what percentage dilution did you use - for...
The dog school we first went to insisted that all dogs wear this. It’s a head halter, which my boy hated. He still jerked, and I do believe he...
I wasn’t either. But when I mentioned it to my 80-year-old mom, she said, yes, of course it’s known.!po=41.6667 I know several people who grind pumpkin seeds and feed to their dogs as a...
That is good news. A runny tummy might be a good thing under the circumstances - might mean that less of the drug was absorbed. Hoping the next...
You’re made of sterner stuff than us! But you caved! You caved! Tomorrow it will be 12.50 cos those dogs will simply start at 11.25. They learn...
It is in flea pesticides. “Fipronil is one of the main chemical causes blamed for the spread of colony...
Did you hold out? Snowie manages to cut the time for his night snack shorter and shorter every night! I don’t have the strength to hold out when...
Awwwww! Gorgeous!!
I had the same with Snowie - definitely the most excited dog in class. I can’t believe I spent 1.5 years in a school that was military style, and...
I think NSAIDs.