Oh he is beautiful - sits so proud and strong. Wow! Just wow!
We also had a winter puppy kind of - slightly older at 4 months when winter set in. Those early morning walks in the dark and rain were not...
Paul looks like he connived it all! Best of luck for the drive and rehoming !
My boy doesn’t drink either unless he’s in a pond or river. Even after the beach, I take him to the dog water bowls outside a cafe and he won’t...
So sorry. I hope you get answers quickly. Get better, Stanley!!
If a dog is going to eat bones, it’s recommended they’re incased in meat, hence meaty bones. I guess the logic is that the meat protects the gut...
Does he have allergies? My vet said that anal glands can fill up with allergies, that they overact during an allergic reaction. You can also...
So sorry. It sounds so stressful. I also get very anxious under these kinds of circumstances. Can your vet not reassure you? They found nothing,...
Does he have a fungal moldy smell after being wet? Like a wet dog smell?
I guess they’re experts at subtle body language.
It is as easy as putting a jar of full cream milk and kefir grains in a dark cupboard/pantry and leaving it there, shaking it up to mix it a bit...
I hope he feels better after his dinner and that things pick up. Did they give you a liquid they he can ingest to coat his gut and sooth it?...
Poor you. It is such a worry. Snowie is like Stanley - I think you called it indiscriminate eating? When Snowie pooed blood on and off for a few...
Do you have an ingredient list for Dynamite? I can’t find one on the internet. I’ve just ordered Wondercide from the US, which uses cedar oil as...
Sorry, just read your other post that you had him X-rayed.
How was this diagnosed? Was he X-rayed? My boy’s hind legs tremble when he raises a leg to wee or when he’s squatting to poo. The vet says this is...
Next time get your OH to record the conversation with the vet on his phone. But if he forgot to phone you, I guess he’d forget that, too. I’d also...
Can’t wait to hear how the vet visit went. I hope Stanley feels better after his starvation experience.
Whenever Snowie is stiff, I need to remind myself of what he’s done that day. There’s usually an exercise-related reason. Just like myself: if...
I’m sorry. I did think this was the norm, and it is the case with Snowie - but it comes from a former wild pace, so I’m happy he’s more mature. He...