Hello there, I've had a lot and long history with Bowie injuries and limping. So I would completely rest him and keep him quiet - only short leash...
Welcome from me and Bowie from Melbourne Australia!! We just recently joined as well and have been getting nothing but love, support and warm...
Bowie loves his Kong Jumbler. We normally play fetch and tug with it. It used to have a squeak but he quickly punctured it - which is probably...
Welcome from Bowie and I from Melbourne Australia!! Gaston's sooo adorable!! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss - I'm sure there are no words...
I met a few friends when I went for a walk with mum this morning. I only liked two of them though. The other one was too noisy, kept barking at me...
Hahaha... I know what you mean! I've developed super human ears and eyes on the back of my head since having Bowie!! :D He'll be like the top of...
Yeah you can get Kong in almost all pet stores in Australia. And West Paw, sorry what I mean is, most pet stores in Australia don't stock them. I...
Sorry didn't realise you're from Australia too - so not amazon.co.uk :D The other brand I quite like as well is West Paw because it's very hardy...
Welcome Maxx and Maxx's mum and fellow Aussies!! Congrats on your beautiful little addition!! I'm sure he keeps you busy busy ;)
What's a phesie?? Sounds like something I do when I see poles! Forget phesie, I like kangaroo and wombat poos the best!! They're full of...
Agree!!! Bowie is my first pet (dog) and to be honest I didn't expect that we would have this strong/intense bond in the beginning. I was...
@drjs@5 is right. You can also get different sizes and hardness. With Bowie, I started with the classic one and moved to the 'Extreme' one for...
LOVE the response so far!!! Great I'm not the only one!! Sometimes, non-dog people don't understand it... hahahaha :D
I found this article (see below) in my archive that may resonate with you dog lovers. I'm definitely one of those!! Whenever I saw mums cooing at...
FYI - since I wrote this post, Bowie has got my sandal from the laundry bench and decimated it!! :facepalm: He must be feeling generous though,...
Hahaha....love it!!! :rofl: I'll share this if you don't mind!
Hi Naya, you've got one smart cookie!! Yeah the pretending to sleep is classic!!! :D
I wish sometimes I knew what he's thinking :D (I think I did most times :D) We always ask Bowie to sit before he greets people or other dogs but...
Well said, couldn't agree more :)
Haha... couldn't agree more. And it'll start all over again when the pup hits puberty :D Side note though, I think it's perfectly ok to feel what...