Re: What is it with my dog and THINGS????? Thank you! I saw a Willow pic of her with a crazy eye awhile back and laughed as it was very similar...
Re: What is it with my dog and THINGS????? I was taking photos of Maisie and caught the moment her eyes alighted on a bird nearby… note the nice...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long Okay, there's a lot here and I'm sure other members of the forum will be along shortly with more advice....
Re: Dogs in the distance... Maisie has very very few opportunities to visit with dogs *off* lead - would you still suggest no saying hi on lead...
Re: Puppy conjunctivitis Maisie had eye gunk a lot maybe a month or two ago. The vet said it was probably an allergy and he could give her drops...
Re: Dogs in the distance... Ugh this reminds me of yesterday when my dog and the landlord's dog met as we were coming and going. I allowed a...
Re: Indestructible toys required! Maisie isn't a virulent toy destroyer *yet* (although she took her chilly bone into her crate and hid it one...
Re: Dogs in the distance... Oooh to have such a dog… it would be a dream! Maisie is gradually getting better and better about other dogs, but...
Re: Stuffed kongs I was just thinking I needed to get more kongs (want to be able to make a few days worth in one go, she just has 3 right now,...
Re: Bella, Bella, Bella - um....what the heck?!?!?! Bella sounds a lot like Maisie… just doing goofy stuff for the heck of it. This morning...
Re: Naughty Felix bit? another dog Oh he is very little! He also must have very sharp teeth right now if his puppy canines are still in there...
Re: (Canadian) Maisie's Training Log Haven't updated in awhile… Big things we're working on: - preventing barking (not scared/alerting barking,...
Re: Naughty Felix bit? another dog Do you think the bite happened in play? Dogs do bite at each other in play and if you didn't hear verbal signs...
Re: reguritation Hahaha yeah, Maisie never swallows her last mouthful either but lets it all dribble out as she walks off from the bowl :O. I...
Re: It only took 6 months.....but finally YESSSSSSS!
Re: Born under an unlucky star... Oh and I forgot to mention, I asked about her teeth being unusually bad or anything at the appt and the vet...
Re: Born under an unlucky star... She's done! It was done super quickly, shes mych more alert already than she was, but grumbly from the meds....
Re: Indestructible toys required! Maisie loves a squeaky toy whenever we get up early... Or to bed late... I'm contemplating some of those toys...
Re: Born under an unlucky star... Surgery tomorrow! They're fitting us in since that top broken one is taking up big tooth space and she needs it...
Re: "Leave it" Command Fun Yes I also wish I had cropped out my lovely sock :p. I bought new shoes yesterday so Maisie got to destroy the box!