Judging by that picture and his age, I'd say a little more wouldn't hurt. I aimed for around half to one kilo gain a week. From that picture, it...
OK, there's something definitely wrong with us on this thread. I read this as "while I went nearby to poo in a bin" o_O Coco, you are a...
Sounds like great fun and, as the others have said, the people who are telling you it's not a good idea are probably confused about "litter mate...
My first port of call would be a vet check as it’s unlikely a deliberate behaviour motivated by the arrival of the puppy.
That wouldn’t work if you teach “no mugging”, which is one of the first things I do with all of mine. Something in a closed hand means it’s not...
My latest pup was picked up from Scotland and driven back to Surrey; with traffic and stopping a couple of times to see if she would wee (which...
I've just seen this. http://www.sparcsinitiative.org/ It starts tomorrow. Everything is free, no registration required. Watch live streams or it...
Start off putting your open hand out just to the side of his muzzle, as soon as he so much as twitches in that direction (which he will, to look),...
Happy birthday, Keir! One already, wow!
Yep, I agree with Sue, likely a little scab. Get used to it; if he's anything like my boy, he'll be constantly covered in little grazes from doing...
Wow, yes, 15lb is significantly overweight. That would absolutely be my first priority to get that off. If your vet can't find anything else, then...
Hehe, yes, except, if memory serves correctly, Bramble had laid down and gone to sleep half on and half off! :D Squidge leaves her back legs out...
The crate was brilliant for all of mine when young and, after the nightmare of Squidge with the crate-in-pen arrangement and how much that was...
Hehe, well, just to confuse you, I don't use the clicker for training loose leash walking anymore. Not that I think it's no good, but it doesn't...
Hehe, you haven't met Squidge... :rolleyes: I didn't use alarms with her. I don't think it was not using alarms that made her so awful, I think...
No, ladybits are tucked up behind! Luna often gets halfway and stops, half on half off. I think Kate @Beanwood has a photo of Bramble in this...
I've been pureeing the dogs' cooked meals and using it in baby food pouches for training. They love it! Except this evening, I went to squeeze a...
Ginny is sleepin'. She's ALWAYS sleepin'. Doesn't she know that there's mis-cheef to be had?! Squidge
If you can't then scatter feeding is a good technique that will bring the arousal down in the moment and over time. You're not reinforcing the...
To add to Karen's advice, I'd be tempted to have him in your bedroom at night for a while to break the habit of morning barking. It can be very...