Hehe, and the fallout from having an adolescent human running off and procreating is far worse than that of having your dog doing the same - and...
I can imagine sitting on the settee and not being allowed up because I have a Labrador (or more than one) sitting on me... :D
I'll try to get some photos up soon, I promise! :D
You gotta embrace the ridiculousness! Here's Squidge deciding that a target stick I had set up as a permanent blind marker just had to go. "Leave...
Can't anyone can declare their dog a "service dog" and it doesn't have to come through any particular organisation? Lots of service dogs are...
Yep Yep
I assume the sire lives in the same home as the dam. So the humans might think they know when she was covered, but it’s possible he got in earlier...
Much of that is because many of these places are left empty for months at a time as people use them as rentals or holiday homes. It’s something...
My first two didn’t swim until nine months (no opportunities because of where we live in the winters) and were a bit hesitant at first but grew to...
Not my dog, but my friend’s old Lab would hate it if she got near an electric fence. I remember on one walk, we had to cross one; there was a...
You can buy the genetic test for prcd-PRA from Optigen for $130 http://www.optigen.com/opt9_price_page_new_format.html#tier1
Were his parents not tested for PRA?
I'm just about to go out with my lot, but I didn't want to read and run. You won't. She is barking because she is startled, frightened or...
She struggled to settle with my mum and dad, as I explained before. She remained very nervous of them, unwilling to walk through doorways etc and...
How long are you in the UK? I'm going over for a flying visit the second week of July. I'm guessing you'll be long gone by then, though!
Happy birthday, handsome! Cake and a new ball for you, young man! :)
Well, I wonder who that could be? :happy: I'm glad Paul is back foxtail-less. Poor boy, that must have been so uncomfortable!
Hmm, they laying in certain positions is odd. My parents' previous dog would do that and it was due to an enlarged heart - I assume your vet...
New bandanas for them all "Beanwood Gang - SAR Squad" :) So glad there was a happy ending, your poor dad must have been so scared - Ruby, too!
I have an entire male, who is three and a half years old. As an adolescent, he was definitely a target for other male dogs and started doing what...