Squidge still does this sometimes. I don't mind it, it's cute. Shadow does "nibbly noos" with his front teeth.
Puppy bum!!!! :inlove:
Those curly eyebrows are hysterical! :D
Heh, Paul looks like he's plotting again in that "best buddies" photo :D That "art" is so cute and what a wonderful memento for you :)
It's bin raining here all day. That's OK it makes the tar-git poles really easy to pull out of the ground which is one of my favouritist things to...
I've ordered a set of Grip Trex for Ginny; I'll let you know how we get on with them.
Are they rubbed raw? Bleeding? My dogs sometimes get split and bleeding pads from salt on the roads in the winter. I ensure they are clean, using...
Oh nose, Tuppy, that sounds scary! I've never seen a monster in our washdisher and I've looked very hard! Maybe it just liked your shiny collar...
*cough* video or it didn't happen. See Mags' stellar example :)
He has such a devious smile :D
I think it's more likely they're being stolen for fighting or bait dogs :(
I was thinking about you the other day when I was listening to a podcast interviewing Michele Pouilot, who has been credited with bringing...
Ooh, we have duck sometimes. Duck is yommers. Sometimes it's dried duck filits and other times it's real bits of raw duck from the trimmins. I...
Maxx, Maxx, you need to put this link on your Dad's pootah. Mum was looking at it the other day and I sawd it and thought thass BRILLYUNT! I need...
I have a "scatter!" cue which means I've thrown a handful of treats on the floor by my feet. We've practiced this in lots of different...
Yay! I win! I was absolutely sure it was the one on the right. No question... :rolleyes:
This is how I have gone about training it: https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/teaching-drop-give-and-leave-it.21345/#post-326288
Remember that worming isn't a preventative, it only works by killing worms that your dog already has at the time the medication is ingested. So if...
I didn't include Bravecto or Nexgard because I had already discounted them as possible candidates as they have no repellant properties and the...
When I was deciding on my schedule, I made up this little spreadsheet with some of the options that I was considering, showing which product...