But Bramble doesn't have a domed head, she has a flat one with the "groove" down the middle. But the camera angle can be soooo deceiving! I am...
You're not allowed to say anything unless you include your guess! :D
How are your Photoshop skills, Kate? :D
I don't use it, so I don't know, sorry, but with regards to this: Not after the first day or so. It is absorbed into the skin and spreads...
Oooh, tricky. The wet-dog-dry-dog is making it more tricky, too. My first thought looking at the ears was right, but I don't think I've ever seen...
I know that it’s not necessarily a popular opinion, but I’m in the “better a dog is euthanised than live out its days in misery” camp. I can’t...
Hello from me and my gang; Willow, Shadow and Luna (black, yellow and chocolate Labs respectively) and Juniper who is a three-legged Podenco cross.
Read the answers above.
Sorry I’m really busy at the mo so not keeping up with who is doing what :D Have you tried scatter feeding when she goes nutso? It’s a good way of...
Another thought is, if there really is nothing that can be done within the legal system, start a media campaign. Take photos of the dogs and send...
That’s just disgusting. If the SPCA can’t do anything, can the police? That sounds like something that should be illegal. Failing that, I’m afraid...
Another thought; you said you want to get to a point you can safely let her off lead - does this mean she never gets any off lead time?
I’m definitely not anti muzzle (in fact, I’ve just spent a small fortune on getting a beautiful custom fit one for Shadow to train him to wear as...
Well, I'm still a bit mean, because I caved enough to go to the kitchen, but then I started chopping and dicing to make them a pan of food for...
Just a little less hairy? ;)
I should have chosen Chihuahuas as a breed. Then I could have kept my Smart ;)
Now we're a three-and-three-quarter dog family, it looks like we have a new vehicle in our future. We have our eyes on the Citroen Jumpy (I think...
My lot get their lunch around 1ish. Sometimes as late as 3 or 4. Today, they decided at 11:30 it was time. Shadow was in a perfect down position...
If you want your DOB to be changed, just drop me a personal message and I'll change it for you. But you can also just hide it from view by...
She is very feminine. What a pretty face :)