I had a bit of a strange one on my morning run with Willow yesterday. The details are boring, but a guy in a white van pulled up to ask me...
As Philippa Williams says "by the end of the night, you'll either have a dog with a solid hold, or you'll be too pissed to care!" :D
Yeah, I try to do this myself - just this morning, I was asking Squidge for sits and downs with my hands on my head and doing jumping jacks. I...
I've been looking at the courses available on the FDSA and seeing if there's anything of interest for next term, which starts in August. I looked...
I fought you said "pooped on them". That woulda been even funnier! Shadow
And here I was thinking this was going to be a GDPR announcement like the million others I'm sure we've all been receiving today :D
After our wild boar encounter, I did say to J that I'd been a bit :eek: about the thought of you guys in Canada having to carry bear spray, but...
Of Stanners, or the eyebrows? :happy:
Every now and again you come across a little snippet of information or training advice that makes real sense or makes you stop and think. I...
Great news, Jen! Hope you get those eyebrows fixed soon (Stanley has been gossiping) ;)
Happy birthday, Penny! Cake and new toys for you today, or the Lambie Network will want to know why! :)
He is so calm! Shadow goes bonkers chasing flies. Luna, on the other hand, just sits there with them on her nose. If I go on a fly killing spree...
Yes, I thought Zaba was Tatze at first, and that Tatze was a puppy... but then I saw what I thought was Tatze had five "feet" and worked out the...
It sounds like he's doing really well! I don't know if I've mentioned to you before, but I play pressure games with Willow when there's something...
If it was just a few mouthfuls I wouldn't worry. Yes, he may be a bit squitty for a while, but that's not because there's anything evil about the...
Oh no, what a terrible worry for you. I do hope that both the dogs come through unaffected. I'm sure that it'll stay with you for a long time :(
I use Advantix every four weeks and find it very effective. We have a very high density of ticks here. I used Bravecto a couple of years back and...
Yup, it was just like that! Huuuuuge!
I agree with what the others have said. Remember, when it comes to our dogs, there is no such thing as "bad behaviour", it's all simply...
Me too! Until I thought, "Hang on, Tatze has five feet!" :cwl: