Buddy is 10 months and 55 pounds.
Just got to keep at it! It’s tiring but you’re doing a great job! Like @Michael A Brooks always says, dog training isn’t linear haha it is...
@Gill Smith of course! I linked the thread below. https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/look-at-that.22184/
Yea we typically walk around the track first a couple of times. Then after going around the track I just like to practice LAT in the circle...
@Saffy/isla meant to respond to you more thoroughly but haven’t had the chance. Anyway, there are definitely still struggles with Bud. He’s a wild...
Thanks a lot @Saffy/isla
I would think it’s over excitement that leads to the peeing...my guess would be to try to ignore her she well...
So just a little update on my almost 10 month old puppy and I regarding what we’re doing training wise. I have really been focusing on LAT...
@Michael A Brooks any ideas regarding @Chrishawn Green situation?
So strange... that idea may work. Try that and then distracting him with high value treats. Maybe others can chime in with more advice :)
I thought about training my pup to use a bell to let us know he needed to the bathroom, but ultimately decided against it for this reason....
Ok cool @Michael A Brooks thanks a lot!!
Oh and actually, he sleeps in the bedroom with them. Sorry, I left that part out...
The puppy is 10 months old. Thanks for the advice @Michael A Brooks. I will relay the message.
So my girlfriend just told me about her co-workers puppy who will not fall asleep unless the TV is on. Apparently, the puppy howls and cries when...
:cwl::cwl: This bold part made me laugh. Pretty hilarious lol
Dogs learn to sit quite easily and a lot of times they do it naturally, which seems to be happening with your dog. I would just start keeping...
Lure him with high value treats so he takes his focus off of the leash and on your hand/treats. Does your puppy have a high food motivation? It...
Are the fenzi academy courses online??
I give my puppy raw carrots as little snacks pretty often. He loves them.