The ears makes me think she is a cross with something else, I just don’t know what. Her fur also looks more white than a labs would be, but I’m no...
I just think it’s far better for your lab to be thin, than overweight. Is he thin to the point that he looks unhealthy? Can you easily see his...
The true love harness looks great. I have the rabbitgoo harness, which looked very similar to the true love harness from videos I was watching...
@Chloe Garrity any updates on this?
Are you providing him with a sufficient amount chew toys and frozen stuffed kongs? Train him on the things you want him to do. Put some of his...
That sounds insane! I can't even imagine! I live in a suburb of Los Angeles, about 30 minutes away from the beach.
I was training my dog heel work and LAT training at the park by my house last night and this little Chihuahua looking dog ran up to my dog off...
Give him frozen stuffed kongs to keep him occupied and help with the chewing.
It’s also kind of cool to give him the “go sniff” cue and have him head straight to the grass to sniff. He really picked up on that quickly and...
Awesome, thanks for the correction. My Bud’s heel walking has improved so much and he is pretty consistently giving me the attention after he...
Well for me, it just depends. Sometimes my pup will finish sniffing before I give him my heel cue and we are back on the trail or sidewalk...
What type of area are you walking him in when the sniffing and focus problems arise? On open and seldom used roadways you say he does well? I...
I have a lanky lab as well. I like his look :)
And as I just posted this just a little while ago, the vet called and confirmed it was a UTI. He said the antibiotics should clear it up.
So my 7 month old puppy has peed on the floor in our room 2 out of the last 3 nights in the middle of the night. The first time he did it, he...
I don't think I would be worried about it. Is she 8 weeks old? Young puppies sleep A LOT....and I mean A LOT!! And when they aren't sleeping, that...
I wouldn't worry about it if you can't see his ribs and he looks and acts healthy. I feel like my puppy is going to be on the smaller side as...
1. If he continues to chew the rugs, I would take a break from leaving the rugs out until he cuts down on the chewing. Otherwise, you are just...
My puppy is not much of a barker, but he does have his moments. It mostly happens when he is bored or feels he isn’t getting enough attention from...
That’s the link from where I get it from.