Pumpkin powder seems to help with my puppy digestion.
Why not take him to the vet to find out what it is? My pup had missing hair on the side of his nose and I thought it was due to him scratching it...
That's great to hear. What a relief for you :)
I am so, so sorry for your loss. May Tia rest in peace. She sounds like she was a wonderful friend and companion.
Wow. That’s just infuriating.
Agree with @Jade. Sounds like you are doing everything right. I can’t imagine how hard it is to deal with two puppies at the same time. Props to...
From that picture he looks normal to me.... looks beautiful.
I have problems brushing my dogs teeth as well. He stays still and everything, but he just bites the toothbrush and doesn’t let you stay on path...
Is this a shark forum?? :)
I have my puppy on dietary and joint supplements right now because of the warranty through the breeder we got my pup from. But that’s just an...
My puppy has been a pain in my ass the past day or so as well. Granted, I’ve been at my parents house with him house sitting their dogs, so he’s...
Personally, I’ve experienced first hand the difference in traditional training methods and positive reinforcement methods. My first childhood dog...
When my pup was eight weeks we just let him outside for bathroom purposes only. He tried to chew so many things we didn’t want him to in the...
Always redirect him to a tug toy if he’s chewing something he’s not supposed to. Keep him enclosed in an area he can’t chew stuff you don’t want...
Awesome! Glad it went well because your description of everything going in did not sound fun. Merry Christmas!
LOL’d at putting the five year old in the crate! :p
What is he mixed with? There isn’t much you can really do about it, I wouldn’t think. If he’s eating normal and doesn’t look over weight or too...
Hello All, My 6 month puppy has had some missing hair near his whiskers for about a month now. Nothing too crazy, but noticeable. I just figured...
I have had some experience with this runny stool recently and it’s no fun. I had to get up in the middle of the night constantly for a week or so....