So you just give your dog the sardines from the can?? And chedder cheese? lol sounds easy enough. Never would have thought of that. I can give...
Does anyone have any recommendations on some high grade/tasty treats to train with in high distracting places?? Our pup trains very well with...
Just awful :( I am so, so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t even imagine. Wishing you the best going forward.
Same here!! We use kibble pretty much as treats in many cases for Buddy. He does a lot of training and tricks with just his kibble. And all my...
Same here. I read some of the stories and I just feel awful for others. I haven’t had to go through that. There was the normal puppy biting for me...
Great advice. There isn’t much else you can do until they learn that biting doesn’t get them anywhere.
All your pups look great and beautiful! I’m yet to find something that Buddy wouldn’t stuff down his gullet lol I haven’t tried carrots yet but am...
I couldn’t imagine having two puppies at the same time. One is enough of a handful lol
Yea. I’m just going to start doing that as well. Better safe than sorry.
So Bud loves bully sticks.... loves them. He loves them so much he decides he doesn’t like to chew the last 2-3 inches or so and just swallows it....
We use royal canin labrador puppy kibble. Our guy loves that stuff. We train him with it a lot of the time and he responds very well to it. You...
It's better to be a little bit undersized, than overweight in my opinion. If you feel he's too skinny, just start feeding him a little bit more....
Glad things are going well. It really is nice to see hard work pay off because puppies are a lot of work if you want them trained properly. Great job!
LOL!! They love their food. My Bud tries to sneak up on the kitchen table here and then to see what’s going on up there lol he hasn’t gotten a...
I would just not give her any attention once you start to realize that she is getting too aggressive with her playing. Just get up and walk away....
Geez.... I am so so sorry to hear that.
Our 17 week old lab slept in the corner of our room on his bed since the first day we got him at 8 weeks. He started off in the corner of our room...
Man, this thread is heart breaking to read :( Went through it with my childhood dog and it really is so hard. He was my family. Glad I got a new...
Welcome! My Buddy is 1/2 American lab (his dad) and 1/2 English (his mom). I got him from a breeder that had all the health testing done and was...
Great stuff. Thanks a bunch.