People who provide training or behaviourist services can have very varied qualifications and there are different schools of thought that different...
haha, I like it! We have a wooden chair with vertical bars for the back and we use that as a side table for drinks, with the back of the chair to...
I wonder what the qualifications of this behaviourist are... Good thing you have questioned the advice that person gave :) He’s just really...
I hope she picks up and has a better day tomorrow... The up and down of it is rough :(
Jenny, when did the electric shock happen? You have said that his behaviour is less active than before? What are the things that he used to do...
Hahaha!! That’s exactly what we do.
We have the occasional glassware casualty and/or wine spillage.... Keeping the coffee table clear, eternal vigilance, educating guests,...
I’ve heard that same experience reported quite a lot with ex-battery hens. They are not tolerant of their new flock mates even though space and...
That’s fantastic to hear!!!
Welcome to the forum :) If you’re talking about a lump or a spot that won’t heal up then the thing to do is take your dog to the vet as soon as...
That’s a good article. The dominance idea is rife in human-horse relationships too, and it does a lot of damage. Even chickens, who will...
Whoah! Highly impressive. Glad you got some Brie, Cassie :D Nice of you to clean the paper as well.
Great suggestions - Thankyou :) :) I’ve sent my brother some Sophia Yin info. We’re seeing them for lunch today so I’ll have a chat. We’re...
Sounds awesome! It’s the morning after here. Obi is happy as he’s had roast chicken, roast pork and crackling, ham, baked pumpkin and potatoes,...
Thanks for that, Jojo. I will check that one out!
I hadn’t thought of making my own book. What a great suggestion!
So, after spending Christmas Day with my niece... Can anyone recommend a good book for small children that teaches safe behaviour around dogs?...
Obi, are you reading this thread? Obi put his front feet up on the table to reach some ham :oops: Penny, Obi could learn a few things from you. :)
You sound happy with your decision, which is really great. I’m sure you’ll handle whatever comes. Maybe there won’t even be much of a problem to...
I have deleted a post in this thread. Please keep opinions about other members to yourself (unless they are positive!). Please confine your...