It’s good that the vet was reassuring. They are the experts. You caught it as early as possible, which is great. Because it’s on her belly where...
I would definitely be wanting a Vet opinion. If you’re still considering this puppy you want to know the cause and extent of the hernia, if any...
Yes, same here. Hope things are ok.
Lovely to read :)
My first thought was also a bite or sting. Might be worth talking to the vet about something more for the itching? The benedryl is an...
Like the really endearing way he swallows electric plugs. ....Sorry :D
Yeah, I think it’s probably just how they are as individuals. Both my dogs have shed all year round, with crazy seasonal peaks. I’m just lucky I...
Aw, she’s still cute! Don’t do your back in for a pic... I stuffed my back once for months after needlessly elevating a Labrador..
I can’t remember how many times I’ve taken my dogs to the vet with lumps. On all occasions except one the lumps were nothing and didn’t need any...
Think it depends on the coat type, not the colour. Both my dogs have had very thick, lush double coats.
Swimming in the river would get my vote. But as the vet says you might never know... I hope you start to see improvement pretty quickly. Must...
Sounds like your vet is doing a good job of working through it all. I hope that the treatment plan brings good results. Please do let us know how...
The term ‘bandy legs’ means legs that appear curved or bent. Do you think your pup’s legs look straight? If they’re looking straight then I’d...
When you get a Labrador you realise just how much really wierd stuff is lying around all over the place...
I reckon you just notice the yellow fur more. My black Labrador shed just as much as my yellow one. But it blended into my clothing better.
Thank you for the article - an interesting read. I would definitely go ahead with the steroid treatment after having read that. Seems like just...
It sounds like a tough situation. I’d go with the vet’s recommendation though, even though it means dealing with the side effects. I hope his...
I’m not sure what is more bizarre - eating an electrical plug on purpose or eating an electrical plug by accident. Stanley, you are giving Tatze...
Haha!!! I thought he’d swallowed a BATH tub plug. But he’s swallowed an electrical plug??? :eek:
I guess it’s the little metal handle thingy at the top of the plug that you grab onto to pull the plug out. I could be totally wrong! :)