If you get your training hat on with this problem I reckon you could have a pretty good crack at solving it :) Definitely go with a...
There is definitely no shame in deciding that you’d be better off without a dog and he’d be better off in a different home. We got our dog Obi...
Stanley!!!! Don’t eat plugs, mate!!!!
Also...keep the toy out of reach. Only you get to decide when to use it. Here’s another approach that uses a clicker to mark the behaviours of...
The way to do it is just to make the tug game fun :) No clicks or food association needed. Here’s an approach you can use: - get a new tug toy...
Glad she’s looking pretty lively :)
Fantastic picture :)
I would guess that the RSPCA would have pretty clear policies in relation to this kind of thing. They wouldn’t want to set a precedent that’d lead...
If he loves food then there is nothing wrong with using that as his sole reward. The dog gets to decide what is rewarding. You can build value for...
I would definitely recommend The Happy Puppy Handbook and also The Labrador Handbook, both by Pippa Mattinson. Those books cover everything you...
Glad that you can now tackle it all as a team :) Hope you are feeling better soon.
It’s natural to do that kind of thing out of shock. Now that you have a few ideas from others you can work out a better plan and some...
Hi Em :) Don’t worry, puppies are not aggressive. Your puppy is definitely not aggressive. Puppies and older dogs bark for all kinds of reasons -...
Yeah, just watch his chest rise and fall. I only mention heart rate too because it’s good to have an idea of what’s normal for your dog. Then you...
Do you mean you are worried that he’s not taking breaths often enough? Generally a lower breathing rate while resting is totally normal. A fast...
:( Glad he has at least got a chance. Poor boy. I really hope he pulls through. Something to think about for anyone wondering whether or not to...
It’s a challenging enough time of year even without an unwell puppy to deal with. I always find that I’m pretty stuffed by Christmas......
Do try to go with Joy’s suggestion. I’d be adding in an extra couple of short training or game sessions spaced throughout the day - maybe early...
Very tough situation :( It’s probably pretty painful which is why he’s not eating. Round objects are tricky as the gut can constrict around...
Do you mean he’s 7 weeks old or that you’ve had him for 7 weeks?