Our newest Lab, Jenny, is very well behaved for the most part. At 20 months she is rambunctious but listens pretty well and has good recall....
We meet a couple of really nice Springers at B&B we stayed at in Oban this Fall. If I had to have a smaller dog, they would be high on my list.
All four of our Labs have been chocolates. Three field and one with a field dad and bench type mom (dad was a field trial champion, mom a master...
Back around 2000 we were paying about $22 per bottle for insulin. It was bovine based at first and then Humulin became available the the Bovine...
Years ago our first Lab, Ginger became diabetic at 12 years old. We managed her with insulin and did blood sticks any time we thought she might...
I would expect her to be able to sleep through the night at 5 months without having to go out. Tilly, Cooper and Jenny all normally slept...
Ours have been around 9 months, but could be later. It is not super obvious, but there should be a little blood spotting on the floor and...
We are revisiting this question again with our new Lab Jenny. The breeder and trainers both recommend two years, but the vet is on board with us...
Jenny is about 57#s at 10 months, and her weight seems to have stabilized. She is about 21" at the withers and is extremely athletic. Cooper was...
We have the same problem with Jenny. We think she is part woodchuck. All of our dogs have chewed up sticks, but Jenny is the worst at it. We...
Is this TPLO surgery?
We are going through this with Jenny right now. She just started her first heat, and is scheduled for her spay in April.
I have a somewhat similar issue with Jenny. At home we have a dog door so she can, and does, go out when she needs to, on her own. At our cabin...
Our previous Lab, Cooper, became spooked by a power gate in our HOA. She did not want to go past it leaving our HOA, though she would come back...
Does a Pet Barrier like Travall (made in the UK count)?? Do you need a crate in addition in the UK?
Our hearts are broken. This morning after some serious tennis ball retrieving Cooper came into our Cabin for breakfast. As I was scooping it...
Our first Lab, Ginger, became diabetic at 12 and lived to be 16. She got two shots a day, and we did blood sugar checks to keep her pretty well...
I have a friend who lost a young Lab this way a few years ago. They never knew exactly why.
It has been years, but I don't think Ginger's Laryngeal Paralysis incision went through the outside of her neck. I think it was all done inside...
Originally from Kingsport. Years ago my Malamute was a mostly outside dog, but in the past 30 years all of our Labs have slept inside, usually in...