Cooper has a few places she doesn't want to go. For a while she would not go out through the gate at our ski cabin's HOA. She just refused one...
Our first Lab. Ginger, was diagnosed with Laryngeal Paralysis at 14. We had the surgery done and she lived to 16, with no issues from the...
They are indeed power chewers. Coopers delight is destroying plush toys. We get two a month in a Bark Box, and they only last a couple of days....
We did not bother with pants when Cooper went through her first (and only) season. There was very little blood, and it did not really cause a...
I don't think neutering makes much difference anyway. Our spayed lab marks everything on walks, but fortunately not in the house, garage, stores...
He looks pretty much like a Lab pup, but you can't tell just by appearance, even when grown. If both parents looked like Labs, he is probably...
We adopted our first Lab (4 yrs old) and had to sign an agreement to have her spayed. At 4 the age was not an issue, but we did wait a couple of...
At 3 months Cooper was 16" at the shoulders and 23#. She started out very small, but ended up as a very tall girl. She is a bit over the AKC...
We have a dog door (actually a double door in the Winter) and have not had problems with our own dogs but some visitors have never gotten used to...
We have taught our dogs to put their paws up so we can lift their rear into Pickup or Hatch back, if they needed help. It can be useful when they...
He shouldn't need or want a coat in North Carolina, even in snow, as long as he is exercising. I have put coats on labs if they were wet, and...
It is also called Cold Tail. A lot of swimming has caused it in our labs a couple of times. Ginger did not seem to bothered by it, but perhaps...
Do you mean pups close to his own age and size or full grown dogs?
I would not ever give a pup a shoe or anything else that you did not want them to chew on. We let Tilly tear up corrugated cardboard boxes when...
In the US, 7 weeks is common for Lab breeders. Not sure what the effect of taking mom away at 4 weeks would be, but I would be a bit concerned...
Antlers (AKA Sheds) are really hard, harder than bones. I kept hearing about dogs damaging teeth on them, so we quit using them. We do use...
A half hour chasing a tennis ball goes a long way towards getting Cooper tired. By 7 months she had the run of the house most of the time, no pen...
Brushing goes a long way, getting dried mud etc. out of fur. Most folks don't think Labs smell much unless they have been in something smelly....
Almost never. If our Dogs are muddy they get toweled off. She (they) swims when they can, but get baths only if they got into something really...
Does he need to be crated at 8 months? All of our dogs have had the run of the house before then. They sometimes slept in their crate, but the...