That’s good to hear. Mira’s just such a rough ‘n’ tumble puppy and very active, I worry about her little joints. She's a good weight and eating...
Maybe a toy or blanket that smells like you so he'll have something familiar when he comes home?
I've never been to the south, but I was raised in Missouri and I do remember the humidity. It's awful. In Colorado it feels dry all the time - I...
I was thinking of something for joint support or an all-around health supplement for my 9-month-old puppy.
I'm in Colorado! It's been cold, snowy, and windy the past two days. It blew Mira's little jacket up from behind - she looked like Marilyn...
I will try getting her to hand stuff to me, because the washer loads from the top. And maybe take stuff out of the dryer *nicely* one item at a...
Oh, I didn't mean to say you were suggesting that I entertain her or criticize the advice - but that entertainment is what she sort of demands....
We do training inside the house - target, heeling, all that. She's good at it but I'm sort of sick of having to "manage" her all day with...
Yes, I was reducing the size of her meals to account for the treats (eyeballing it, anyway). I was just thinking that the steady supply of...
You mean giving less food to account for the treat calories?
Hello and happy New Year to you from me and Mira!
My puppy (almost dog now, I guess) is deep in the "teenage phase" and it's A LOT. New behaviors are emerging, things that I'm going to have to...
In an effort to try to whittle away at Mira's excess energy, yesterday I tried giving her only her daily ration of dog food. Almost no treats (I...
That's simply heartbreaking - I'm so sorry.
Hi Molly, I truly feel your struggle! And I think it is normal. When my puppy is really amped up, I found that playing with her or trying to...
I hope you get some good news. I’m praying for you and your puppy!
I train Mira to do stuff like that (we're working on looping around my legs now) with positive reinforcement only already. She knows a lot of...
I was reading that article today, and perusing those studies. It's a shame you can only look at the abstracts. All but one (I saw) relied on...
The former trainers who've spoken out against SeaWorld have specifically mentioned a policy of withholding food as punishment. (It actually...
@Jo Laurens I'm not making the leap to sniffing my dog's butt, nor do I think 'I'm a dog' meting out punishment the way another dog would. I'm...