Yes, there have been times he’s gone out and urinated when I haven’t used the light, and I normally flick the light on ready before I let him out,...
The light thing was just an accident really, well, they both were ha ha! Just observations really, I get what you say about the light, I still use...
Hi Clare, Buddy was really good with the poos as well so that’s a good start! It’s a bit of a waiting game at first if you have the time. Wait...
It is isn’t it.... we feed a raw diet as that is what the breeder had him on and there are many supposed benefits, but raw is a mine field in its...
Thanks guys that’s good to hear... forgot to say that parents have good scores so fingers crossed it’s nothing to worry about!
hi all, so buddy is just wonderful, so loving, soft affectionate, and at 16 weeks even starting to chill out a little (when he wants). The trust...
Hi Mandy, I read through the post on puppy weight and couldn’t believe the variations in weight. My pup was the biggest of the litter and was...
This is what I found really hard. Getting him used to the crate, so having to be quite consistent with it, but then not knowing if he cries for...
That’s great thanks Joy. I take buddy to work with me so will always be able to feed him his lunch. I guess convenience makes sense but so long as...
Hi all, we are currently feeding Buddy 3 times per day trying to keep to 5% of his body weight plus treats. Vets are really happy with him and he...
We’ve taught a fairly decent ‘drop’, there’s a good video on here somewhere, but sometimes things are just a bit too high values to him ha ha!...
‘A brat’ ha ha! Buddy is just the same, it’s all a big game to him. I have noticed though that if we’re just consistent and patient he does seem...
We got buddy late summer and I remember thinking it would be difficult in winter. Being able to just sit outside with him and wait made things...
Hi there, fairly new puppy owner myself but you’re definitely in the right place, plenty advice on here! It may be difficult now if she has been...
Hi there.... I wondered the same when we got our pup as we were lucky enough to be given 2 crates by a friend, one small and one large. I was...
Hopefully it’s just a bit like when kids go to nursery and build their immune system. Fingers crossed he’s ok and you get a better run....
Thanks Beanwood, all interesting stuff, I was kind of looking for an opposed few of the mothers correction and you answered it perfectly and made...
Awww no I hope he’s ok, god they’re a worry aren’t they.... fingers crossed it passes.... then you’ll be wishing he was chilled out again! Ha!
I think this is the problem.... when we first got buddy, my brother, who has a dog, said to me ‘don’t be afraid to give it a right good...
I’m all for positive, and will commit to it 100%. I’m just so new to dog ownership and had no idea the vast difference of opinion on training,...