Hey all.... So buddy absolutely loves his food (raw) and treats etc, he’s very good driven which is great and has made training really productive....
My antler is a godsend, buddy loves it, try an independent store, about half the price of the big chains, pretty easy to get hold of!
Ha ha don’t they all! Lol
No they are like a natural treat, about the size of a liquorice allsort and have a slightly playdoh consistency... or cheese works great as well,...
I don’t know much about this but I’ve just checked a picture of buddy at 4 weeks and his nose is fully black if that gives any indication?
We feed buddy raw so I’ve really struggled to know what to find. Anyway I basically stuffed it with his food (frozen), he loves his food and so...
Ahh I feel your pain! Buddy is not so well behaved all the time. I wonder when you say he looks like he wants to lunge, buddy also does this but...
Aww sorry you feel bad, they do test you don’t they! When you say he snapped, buddy can be a bit like this, it’s not aggressive though (not sure...
Awww what a shame your boy was abused, but nice to hear he is in the best place now. Real shame about the crate as this made training buddy very...
Another uk resident here who has his pup crate trained. I think there is a big misconception with crates, maybe because they look like a cage?...
Yes our vet said the same thing! Makes sense I guess.
Absolutely ha ha!
Thanks Michael, it was a very minimal amount and just wanted to double check on here. Buddy is 10kg and (if anything) can only have consumed...
Thanks everyone, he slept fine and is fine this morning. I did think it would take a bit more to cause any problems, it was just that my friend...
Thanks Jo, I’ve done a fair bit of digging and it looks unlikely that it will be much to worry about. Hopefully just an upset tummy at worst....
So we’ve been out walking buddy and some idiot grrrrrrrrrr left a load of M and M’s on the floor, luckily we caught him straight away and he...
Been to the vets today for flea and worm and she said no decision until at least 18 months. The descended testicle was only just showing so he may...
Thanks for the update, buddy has been fine (touch wood) just two solitary puddings, one after his jabs, and one the other day, but they have just...
We opted against pads and buddy learned very quickly. Only thing is that we did have the beauty of always being around at home, or I was taking...
We were a little lucky as I took Buddy to my timber yard very early, with all sorts going on, so sights and sounds were all there for him, he then...