Once again thanks for such a detailed response, he was sick once the first week we got him with some runny poos, then was fine for a couple of...
Great thanks Jo, I’ll take a look! :)
Hey there, we had this very same worry with buddy, he had an upset tummy and we thought it might be slugs, fortunately these only come out at...
Amazing news, been waiting for you, thanks for letting us know x
I wanted to post a thread about teething timescales etc but I’ll ask about possible tummy upsets as well. Buddy is 12 weeks and a couple of days...
Thanks again Jo, we are north west uk. I am going to look into trainers but we have a very good bond as I train him every day and I’m keen for...
Thanks Jo, I really appreciate you always having time to write such detailed and constructive responses! I probably will take buddy to a class if...
He does strain a bit but that’s because I start to pull away because I don’t want to make owners feel uncomfortable, I’m almost certain it’s...
Great news Jade, buddy is 12 weeks and we’ve just started taking him out, it’s so lovely to see them taking it all in!
Buddy is socialising fairly well on the whole, playful with dogs when there’s chance/time, happy for a quick hello with strangers, fine with older...
Hi there. It’s difficult explaining a situation on a forum in text and when no one knows a person really, and I’m sure you realise you’ve made a...
So glad to hear there is some improvement, fingers crossed it continues x
Everything crossed for you xxx
Night time Zoomies, happy hour, mad hour, what ever you want to call it! Very common, in fact almost a given from what I’ve heard. Buddy is really...
I was a a bit skeptical about hearing the fear reinforcement, thanks for your input Michael.
I’m sure he’ll be fine, and have another go when he’s ready and can’t resist diving in! Now I could be wrong here, I’ve no idea but it’s just a...
I think jo did mean for you to go to the vet, but also just gave her experience about using cranberry?
Thank you, I shall bear that in mind and keep an eye on the humping, he’s been great with other people so far and the brief meetings with other...
Ah right, yes you’re probably right, we are fortunate enough not to have to leave buddy so his crate is just for naps really. Hope you get...
Awwww thank you x