Thank you, I’m hoping this will happen with buddy, I don’t think I’d like to take any action at just 3 months.
Great thanks very much! All good advice here. Yes we have been very careful not to make his crate ‘the naughty step’ so he’s always fine going in...
Yes I definitely wouldn’t be irresponsible with him, hopefully they’ll be fine and if not we’ll just do what’s best for him, thanks
Thanks! Tonight it was a frozen plastic bottle ha ha! Yes we thought this might be best, I think I’ll try some training around this time now we...
So I know that training, certainly more modern training, focuses on rewarding/reinforcing good behaviour and ignoring bad. We are managing fairly...
I hadn’t planned on neutering either, it’s still early but looks like I might be in your position. I hadn’t necessarily planned on breeding but...
Thanks, I’ll get a couple of opinions. I was aware of the cancer risk so obviously safety first, just wanted to give it a bit longer than 3...
Hi guys, so Buddy is 10.5 weeks old now and only has one testicle present. The vet mentioned making a decision around 3 months if the other hasn’t...
Buddy jumps up a bit but that’s because he gets fuss from our kids when he does, which obviously reinforces that action. He also gets very excited...
I was just spitballing, I know very little about dog training, I’m learning all the time and open to new suggestions. I’m still undecided if my...
Ha ha typical isn’t it.... Buddy is sooooo lively and inquisitive, so I’m thinking he’ll be straight off, but we’ll see. I’m already teaching him...
So buddy had his final jabs today (and what a good boy he was) but the vet said 3 weeks until he can go out?! I thought it was more like 2?...
This is great daisy! I would love to take buddy, just for fun. Are there any clubs or websites to say where events are? We are in north west uk.
We have buddy crated but I’m not sure how we are going to approach leaving him. My friend has a camera that can connect to a mobile phone so you...
I have all this to come as buddy is only 10 weeks but he is rubbing his gums quite aggressively, thankfully on a rope toy with plastic ends, so...
Crikey so many variations, Buddy is 10 weeks old and weighs 7.8kg which I think is just shy of 17lbs, he is the biggest of the litter. I thought...
Thanks Pippa, now he has learnt a few things his manners and obedience is getting better all the time, so I can use less vocal commands, as I...
Thanks, hope everything is ok, let us know how you get on, we’re at the vet Wednesday with jabs so we’ll see what happens before then.
I took onboard what Pippa said about closing their mouths, it seemed to work but he’s still very young and I wouldn’t want to try it much older,...
Thanks, he’s back to normal poos for now so we’ll keep with the treats we know he can tolerate. The food has stayed the same throughout, and we...