We had four dogs at that time and none of them had ever broken that boundary - until the day one did. A fence went up while our poor boy was in...
This can happen from time to time and boy does it stink! Give your Vet a call but try to firm up the stools a bit. The firmer the stools the...
Up her fibre by adding cooked oatmeal to her food for 24 hours (or longer if you feel the need). We have always done this any time our dogs have...
I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs
I agree, what you are doing is excellent. We do the same. For example, we were at an outside outlet mall the other day with Roamin'; whilst I...
It sounds to me as if the puppy is getting too much "free time" and that the issue is a "two part" one. First, I'd replace the fabric crate with...
We use a combination of praise and treating and slowly remove treating to specific times of day. Now, to be completely transparent, we are not...
You can teach her boundaries; we've done that fifteen years ago but we now have our property completely fenced. Why? Because one of our...
Our 16 month old Cain is STILL a chewer. I keep a tube of "hair ball" stuff in the feed cabinet just in case and am ever ready to cook some...
Yes. There is no upper age limit on Hip scoring for dogs that may be used in breeding. If you are going to breed him you need to have both his...
Hi, I'm so sorry to hear that your yellow tornado is suffering. I had never heard of it before so did a bit of quick reading; what I came away...
Hi Linda, Our fifteen week old (will be 16 weeks on Tuesday) has been doing the same thing to our older labs (although not to the point of...
IF he will happily sleep downstairs, my advice would be to transition to this now rather than later. Why? Because we have a nearly 13 year old...
About five years ago, our then 8 year old Callie began to have issues like you are describing. Our Vet at the time gave her steroids and a...
Our dogs are rarely "walked"; their physical exercise is in the main what they get playing in the 1/2 acre property we have either with each other...
There are a whole lot of "Mays" in that article.....that alone would have me supplementing with meat if I chose to feed a mainly vegetarian diet....
While there is truth to the saying that a "tired lab is a good lab" it isn't all about wearing them out with physical exercise. In fact, doing so...
Sounds like it is time to go back to basics for a while and place the puppy back on 20 or 40 foot leads to avoid his running away and getting hit...