Don't forget that mental exercise also tires your puppy out. If the physical exercise needs to be limited for either your health or the dog's,...
Each dog and their family are "individual" and what works for some won't work for others. I fully support spaying and neutering to avoid exactly...
Your puppy is only 12 weeks old - she is teething. Her biting is not aggression. It is the result of teething pain (just like a human baby who is...
You don't say how old your puppy is (unless I missed it), but from the photo, she doesn't look very old. Your puppy is dealing with teething...
It is possible that she did in fact go into a silent heat that was simply missed because there was no sign of blood or swelling of the vulva. If...
Please wait until she is grown. If you want her to look like her parents, the loss of her hormones this young will affect that. The early...
Don't have anything to add except to say that I hope that you and the Vet can find out what is going on as quickly as possible. Hugs.
Regarding all-life-stages food.... In 2017, AAFCO began to require these statements Pet food labels for puppies and all life stages will soon...
Large and giant breed pups should consume diets that contain at least 30% high quality protein and 9% fat (dry matter basis) - Nutritional...
Funny how individual puppies react to food - we had the exactly opposite happen with Roamin' after transitioning him to what our pack is fed...
Exactly! I enjoyed the article you shared by the way....I know of a couple of breeders who do keep puppies to ten weeks but mostly only those...
Those are all great ideas! Wish I'd had them raising Angus - we used to joke that his registered name should have been "It's All About The...
Some of them do seem to suddenly stop growing much. Our Dreama seemed to stick at 16 lbs for weeks and then suddenly began to grow at the average...
I'm sorry that your puppy is not feeling well. May I ask what the Breeder was feeding the puppies while they were being weaned? While you have...
Our Angus attacked his food and wolfed it all down before begging for more! He is still a very fast eater, but I found that a bit of extra water...
Congrats on getting a new puppy! My first question would be "did you get him from his breeder?" followed by "what was the breeder feeding the...
Our five year old ED and HD afflicted Angus gets Fish Oil and Vitamin E along with a Glouc/MSM every day. Take away any of those for as little as...
It seems that you can almost predict or anticipate when the puppy is going to go into this frenzy because you've been observing it....observing...