It is no longer necessary to guess what a chocolate to yellow breeding will produce since we now can test the genotype of each parent. We have a...
It's those pesky recessive genes. If you had a DNA test done and your sister also had one done, they would not be the same..... It's why Show...
Yes, you both will get it. It just takes time! The main thing is enjoy these early years because they grow old on us so very fast.
It sounds to me as if you are doing everything've only had the puppy for two months so you are catching up on the first months of...
Hugs. Allow the mourning to take place and eventually you will be able to think of her without tears but with smiles at the memories. When we...
Our Cain just turned 8 months old and we are dealing with something similar. Very frustrating as the four others are bell trained to return...
So sorry that your puppy and you have had to go through this. I agree that a good Gloucosamine product will help but wanted to add that getting...
Many U.S. breeders require a visit within 48 hours of your taking your puppy home. It has a lot to do with the state laws that puppies must be...
It has been done here in the U.S. for quite awhile now but the warranties usually come with some terms and conditions. For example, one of our...
You are very lucky to have gotten a three year warranty on your puppy; your breeder is very confident not only in her own steps to reduce and...
Angus does very well; at 10 months the orthopedic vet thought he'd need surgery to remove the hip ball. I immediately asked for a few months to...
Very good article.
One of ours was a biter and would go on the mad tears around the house (she pulled drapes and rods down on one mad tear!). Once I'd reached the...
Thanks for the link to the article; it covers the subject very well. Our 4 year old lab has hip and elbow dysplasia (he is the second oldest); he...
Yes, chocolates as well as blacks will sometimes have white on their chest or feet. It has to do with the A gene I believe....
I would say that your puppy is a chocolate with a yellow coat which simply means that the nose is brown (not pink) and not black. A "dudley"...
Love that head!
They keep us busy that is for sure.... Our Callie is the last left of our old "pack" which had two black males we lost within three weeks of each...
Lori here.... I live in Florida with my husband, son and five Labradors (Yellow Callie aged 13, Black Angus aged 4, Chocolate Kona aged 3, Yellow...
Hi, new here but thought I'd join in....hope it's okay without a formal introduction? From the profile photo, your puppy doesn't look like a...